
For Youth By Youth


ScoutWired has a dedicated Factorio server. This is a game that users work as a team to build a factory that launches rockets into space. We run this 24/7, and even host some events from time to time. 

Our Factorio server has a whole host of things to do! With researching nuclear energy, killing bugs with lasers and launching rockets, we have a lot of work to finish!  

“I see conveyor belts when I close my eyes. I may have been binging Factorio lately.” – Notch

Skip to the Factorio Rules.

You can get Factorio from https://factorio.com or from the Steam Store.

API-Server does not answer:
cURL error 28: Failed to connect to multiplayer.factorio.com port 443 after 4689 ms: Connection timed out
Please check the API URL in the block!

How to Join:

This is a step-by-step to join our Factorio server. You will need to own a copy of the game, have it installed, and we suggest completing the tutorials before you start on our server so that you have a feel for the game first.Firstly you will need to ensure you have the latest version of Factorio installed. 

  • Run Factorio.
  • At the main menu select Multiplayer – If you have joined the ScoutWired server previously you’ll see a Continue menu item above.
  • The select Browse public games.
  • Type ‘scoutwired’ into the search box
  • Select our server
  • Click Join Game
  • Click Synchronize
  • Click Confirm to download and sync your mods with the server.
  • Wait for the game to restart if necessary then enter the password into the field (Password is below)
  • Then click Connect.

If you have the correct password you will download the map and join the game.

If you do not have the correct password you’ll get a box advising that the password was incorrect.

The Current Password is: SWFactory

Join us on https://discord.scoutwired.org #factorio-chat!

Factorio Rules

Server rules:

  • Respect other players.
  • No advertising or mentioning other servers.
  • Don’t ask to become staff.
  • Don’t impersonate staff.
  • ScoutWired will ban any user attempting to send unsolicited friend requests.
  • Please report the user directly to a Team Member, or submit a ticket on the contact-us page


  • No inappropriate language (IE: swearing, abusive or discriminatory)
  • No spamming.
  • No racism.
  • No all caps talking. This is considered shouting.
  • No unapproved links.
  • Be appropriate
  • No counting up or down.
  • Don’t complain about lag.
  • Don’t curse in public chats or in personal ones.

Other rules:

  • No begging. Asking nicely once or twice is acceptable.
  • No griefing. Please do not destroy, deface, graffiti, or build on top of another person’s constructions. This includes;
  • diverting resources away from the primary factory.
  • rerouting trains.
  • pulling biters into the build zones so they destroy anything.
  • No stealing from crates/boxes including logistic network boxes.
  • No hacking. Using interface mods or programs to circumvent our security system can lead to being banned.
  • Don’t exploit game mechanics. We’re Scouts and we are working to build a better world together and make an effective fun factory.
  • No offensive builds or names.
  • No death traps or places where users will definitely die.
  • No scamming players.
  • Please don’t overload the logistics network.
  • No more than 25 construction bots in a personal port.
  • No more than 10 total follower bots.
  • Don’t share broken, unworkable plans.
  • Players caught using plans to break our rules (such as sharing personal info, messaging, or attempting to hack or unsettle/crash our server) will be banned.
  • Use labels so we all know what it is your build is doing.
  • All technical issues or tech support issues related to Factorio are to go through the Help Desk on the Contact Us page.